
What we Believe

📖 The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

We believe that it is the the only infallible, authoritative word of God, in which God reveals himself and his love to all the world.

☝🏽 God

We believe that there is one God who is Creator of all.

And that he is eternally existent in 3 persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Who is yet one in being, essence, and glory: eternal, infinite, sovereign, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, unchanging, holy, just, righteous, good, and loving.

🙏 Sin

We believe that all people in their natural state are sinners.

And that without Christ we are all lost, without hope, and without God. Unless we repent of our sins, we must one day face the judgement of God for them.

👑 The Lord Jesus Christ

We believe in both the divinity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That he is God incarnate, God in human form, miraculously conceived and born of a virgin. Who without ceasing to be God, became man in order to demonstrate who God is and to provide the means of salvation for humanity.

✝️ Salvation

We believe that salvation can only be obtained by grace through the Lord Jesus Christ.

That through his death and his blood shed upon the cross, Christ paid for our sin. And that sinners are saved and justified only by repenting of their sins and placing their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior.

🌅 The resurrection

We believe in the bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ.

That Christ was physically resurrected and ascended to heaven in his glorified body. And that he is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for the saints and preparing a place for them.

💧 Baptism

That all believers are called to be baptized.

By immersion in water and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ – as a symbol of their identification with his death, burial and resurrection. And as a declaration of belonging to his body, the church.

⛪ The church

We believe that all believers are called to be part of a church.

Both the universal church, made up of all believers everywhere, and of which Christ is the head. And a local congregation where they can learn to obey the Lord, honor him through holy living, and testify of their faith in Christ to others.

🕊️ The Holy Spirit

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit.

That he convicts people of sin and regenerates repentant believers. That he illumines believers’ hearts and minds as they study the Bible, and gives them gifts as he wills – enabling them to live a godly Christian life.

🎺 The second coming of Christ

We believe in the blessed hope of the second coming of Christ.

That Jesus Christ will return to this earth with a shout and the trumpet call of God to take his Church to Heaven.

☁️ Eternity, heaven, and hell

We belive in the physical resurrection of all human beings and in the doctrines of an actual heaven and an actual hell.

That all human beings will be physically resurrected – saints to everlasting eternal life and joy and the wicked to everlasting eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Heaven for the saved and hell for the unsaved.

🚶 Evangelism

We believe that God calls his followers to go and preach the Gospel in all the world.

That Christ’s followers are called to witness of Christ by word and through their lives, and to go and make disciples of all nations.

❤️ God’s love

We believe that God is loving and merciful.

He is ready to extend grace and mercy to all who call on him and repent of their sins.

Why don’t you do that today? Just go to him in prayer and in humble, sincere faith. Learn how here.